Empire Earth 2 Gold Edition + The Art of Supremacy

Empire Earth 2 Gold Edition + The Art of Supremacy

Link To The Video:https://youtu.be/mjNeQLoHkDk


Since the video on how to get it to run has been taken down please do follow this steps:
1.Click on the download link at the bottom of this post (Make sure you have Utorrent installed first)
2.When the download says seeding in your torrent client right click on the torrent and click on stop for it to say finished
3.Right click on the file and click on "open containing folder"
4.Run the setup
5.Wait for it to finish checking the file integrity
6.Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for it to install
7.Just run the game from your desktop
8.Thats it enjoy the game

Empire Earth II is a real-time strategy video game developed by Mad Doc Software and published by Vivendi Universal Games on April 26, 2005. It is a sequel to Empire Earth, which was developed by the now-defunct Stainless Steel Studios. The game features 15 epochs, 14 different civilizations and has three playable campaigns: a Korean, German, and American one, as well as several other playable scenarios.
Empire Earth II: The Art of Supremacy is the expansion pack for Empire Earth II. Released on 15 February 2006, and developed by Mad Doc Software. Some of the new additions to Empire Earth II were four new civilizations and several other new features. Several more campaigns were also added, which focused on the Napoleonic Wars, Ancient Egypt and a third which was a futuristic campaign centered on the Maasai.

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