Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

Link To The Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCIRJbNO4XA


Since the video on how to get it to run has been taken down please do follow this steps:
1.Click on the download link at the bottom of this post (Make sure you have Utorrent installed first)
2.When the download says seeding in your torrent client right click on the torrent and click on stop for it to say finished
3.Right click on the file and click on "open containing folder"
4.Run the setup named "Half-Life 2"
5.Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for it to install
6.Just run the game from your desktop and login your microsoft or xbox account
7.Thats it enjoy the game

Half-Life 2 (stylized as HλLF-LIFE2) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's Half-Life and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of Half-Life, protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance fighter Alyx Vance, Gordon searches for a way to free humanity using a variety of weapons, including the object-manipulating Gravity Gun.

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