Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes

Link To The Video:


Since the video on how to get it to run has been taken down please do follow this steps:
1.Click on the download link at the bottom of this post (Make sure you have Utorrent installed first)
2.When the download says seeding in your torrent client right click on the torrent and click on stop for it to say finished
3.Right click on the file and click on "open containing folder"
4.Run the "Company of Heroes" application
5.Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for it to install
6.Thats it enjoy the game! (If there is no desktop shortcut open the folder on where the game is installed and make a desktop shortcut of the application named "RelicCOH")

Company of Heroes is a 2006 real-time strategy video game developed by Relic Entertainment and published by THQ for the Microsoft Windows and macOS operating systems. It was the first title to make use of the Games for Windows label. Company of Heroes is set during the Second World War and contains two playable factions. Players aim to capture strategic resource sectors located around the map, which they use to build base structures, produce new units, and defeat their enemies. In the single-player campaign the player commands two U.S. military units during the Battle of Normandy and the Allied liberation of France. Depending on the mission, the player controls either Able Company of the 29th Infantry Division's 116th Infantry, or Fox Company of the 101st Airborne Division's 506th PIR.

Notes And Links:
CD KEY:3438-fdf3-fd15-7fa6-94b7

Download Game Here:



  1. this is really usefull pls dont take down this page I mean eveer

  2. Hi im from phillipines I love tutorial it makes good content and I am wondering that could yoou next download company of heroes modern combat... make a tutorial for downloading ang working a 100%. because I watch all the tutorial about how to download company of heores MDC and I hope you'll notice me waiting for your respond bye Love you

  3. hi after i create a desktop shortcut.i press the game in the dektop and it says"the program cant start because d3dx9_30 is missing from your computer.try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"idk what to do please respond

    1. You need to download and install Direct X on your computer

    2. Where I can download Direct X? I had the same problem

  4. when i click download it takes me to a new tab except its a blank tab. is download link still available? plss halp

    1. Its still available you need to have Utorrent installed first the download link is a magnet link it will automatically open on utorrent when clicked

    2. it is installed man ur toturial was working last year but idk what ya did to it hes right when i click on the download it takes me to internet explorer in blank can u fix ur button back pls? we know u made the app we dont want the download button

    3. if your having problems with it just right click on the download button and copy the link address and in utorrent click on file and add torrent from url and click ok and it should start downloading

  5. Thanks downloaded it yesterday works great.

  6. Where did the first link go? The one in piratebay?

  7. Is it safe? Because I don't want to lost PC just because of the viruses

  8. what version is this? and is it compatible with 64bit os?

    1. 64 bit os should be able to run 32 bit programs as for the version im not sure

  9. what does it means " The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_30.dll was not found"?

    1. you need to have directx9 or higher to fix that error you can download it from the microsoft website

  10. hello dear.can i play online with my friends in this tutorial or not?

    1. nope if you want to play online buy the game

  11. 2022 funcionando

  12. thank you bro your website is a true legit


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